The BBQ & Fun Day 2024

Here’s just a taste of the great day that we had at the Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre on the 20th July

Once again we welcomed nearly 50 people to join in with a whole variety of of activities using the facilities that this great site offers. Our volunteer team came together to support activities and provide the BBQ and refreshments. Among them were members of the Longhope Baptist church.


In the ‘Bushcraft’ area under the trees and the canvas canopy, we were able to create some beautiful tributes to nature using all sorts of natural resources that were to hand. This activity was lead by Gilly Travers who is an instructor at the Viney Hill Christian Adventure centre and an ordained member of the Blakeney, Awre and Newnham C of E benefice team.

There were indoor activities including a music workshop lead by Jane Butler. Along with her there was singing and playing of worship music and some popular familiar songs that make it easy for everyone to join in the fun. Music is a great stimulant for mind and body, physically beneficial and very gratifying for those who let go and give it their best shot.

There were craft activities led by Lorraine Fellowes, on of our trustees. There were many fantastic works of art created inspired by nature, the wonder of God’s creation.

There were of course some scary outdoor activities for which we thankfully had some dry weather. As well as the conventional targets there were also balloons to burst for those who were keen shots and liked to make us all jump. John (Bump) Holden and Gilly Travers helped all those who attended this popular session to bring out their inner Robin Hood

Unfortunately it rained in the afternoon, But, there’s always something to do at the Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre even when it’s chucking it down. Under the shelter of the high ropes tower we were able to sample some of the delights of abseiling.

The food of course was fabulous, Neale and Daniel cooked up some tasty BBQ options with a choice of salads and dressings available to make a complete and delicious lunch. Tea, coffee and soft drinks were available all day with our refreshments team of volunteers making sure that there was always something on the go.


What a Perfect Day!