Our Safeguarding Policy

POLICY SUMMARY Click here for full version

The Shalom Network safeguarding policy and its implementation not only meets its obligations under the law, but is also a living expression of Christian principles, particularly those of justice and equality.

The policy aims to be easily understood, manageable, deliverable in practice, with key elements able to be measured for their effectiveness.

This policy applies to all teaching and non-teaching staff, permanent or contracted, and volunteers, collectively referred to elsewhere in the document as the ‘workforce’. It is available to beneficiaries, students, parents, and carers on request and this statement is posted on The Shalom Network website.

This policy is part of a whole approach to safeguarding that includes elements of, health and safety, equal opportunities, data protection and correct working practice.

It is fundamental to our vision and values that all people have rights as individuals and should be treated with dignity and respect, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or religious belief.

The policy is consistent in its approach to risk and reflects an appropriate risk appetite, a balance between personal liberty and the need to intervene. 

The Shalom Network is committed to ensuring that all those who are involved in the charity’s activities, but in particular those who are vulnerable, are protected through the effective implementation of the safeguarding policy and supporting procedures.

The Shalom Network will monitor and measure the effectiveness of and adherence to its policies and practices to ensure our intentions are met.

The Shalom Network will take all possible steps in preventing bullying at all levels, reflecting a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to all forms of abuse, mistreatment and neglect.

The Shalom Network will ensure that all suspicions and allegations of abuse are taken seriously formulating a swift and appropriate response. All those involved with our work are clear on how to take steps to prevent and respond appropriately to abuse and mistreatment. If person(s) involved have a communication disability, all necessary, independent support will be provided to ensure consistency.

The Shalom Network will safeguard adults in a way that supports them in making choices and having control about how they want to live, finding the right balance between protection from harm and the freedoms of legally empowered people. A person’s choice is respected even though it may put them at risk of harm. Powers to intervene may be limited by the legal rights of the individual.