Our Purposes & Policies


Our Charitable Purposes

The advancement of the Christian faith for the public benefit, in particular, but not exclusively, amongst those with ‘additional needs’ by: creating and providing opportunities to participate in religious activities such as worship, prayer, religious education and sharing in Christian fellowship.

  • encouraging, training, and enabling churches to welcome and support people with ‘additional needs’ and enable their participation in religious activities.

The promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit among people with ‘additional needs’, their families and carers living mainly, but not exclusively, within the Forest of Dean area. To relieve the needs of such people and assist them to integrate into society, in particular by:

  • providing a local network group that encourages and enables members with ‘additional needs’ to participate more effectively with the wider community.
  • increasing, or co-ordinating, opportunities for members with ‘additional needs’ to engage with service providers and to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of that community.
  • providing educational opportunities such as healthy living and life skills courses, communication techniques, music and art to better equip those with ‘additional needs’.
  • raising public awareness of the issues affecting those with ‘additional needs’, both generally and in relation to their social exclusion.
  • providing workshops, forums, advocacy and general support.
  • providing recreational facilities and opportunities for those with ‘additional needs’ involving the local community.” 

In the context of these purposes, ‘additional needs’ means anyone who has a learning, communication or developmental need, physical disability or mental health need. These are sometimes also referred to as ‘complex’ and/or ‘specialised’ needs.

You will find details of our charity registration here:
